
So Don’t Look So Damn Tragic

May 19, 2010
    you knew this had to happen…

May has been very packed with intrigue so far, as always. Between wing nights and frisbee and D&D and Gamma Girls, Mother’s day, Mike and dad’s birthday… well, there hasn’t been much quiet time.

Last week, Wilma Hansen held an alumni BBQ to celebrate its 25th anniversary. I went with Kim and we caught up a bit with the only two others there (at least, that we saw) from our year, Mikey and Dean. My poetry poster is still up in Cathie’s classroom and that is shocking to me.

Lately there’s been some friction between some of the D&D guys and it’s been totally getting me down. I don’t know how to react without hurting anyone’s feelings. Why doesn’t Andy Stanley have a podcast series for how to handle situations in which your friends are having creative differences and are getting very hurt over a roleplaying game? Bah, so crappy. Aside of it all, I’ve been getting a bit tired of D&D in general but now any great lack in attendance will probably be misinterpreted. Oh well, that kind of misunderstanding can probably be cleared up with some good communication.

Other than that, things have been good. Sushi with Kim, Mike and Josh was sweet, shopping with Shailyn was, too, and I finally got to play Harry Potter Scene-It with a huge group. I won!

One last awesome thing about these last few weeks is that I’ve been seeing a lot more of Katie and we’re making good progress in learning French and music together. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself!

  1. Reply


    June 1, 2010

    Communication is key, Colette. If you’re not enjoying yourself, let us know. If you need to take a break for a while, let us know. We will change what we can to make you enjoy yourself, and if you need to take a break for a while, we understand. I can guarantee both of these, and that there will be no hard feelings. And don’t try drawing parallels between Justin’s situation and this, or think that we would treat what you have to say with the same type of outrage. I don’t think you could ever say anything that would come off as insulting or as a show of a complete lack of respect. I know that was probably not the intent, and that the two of them have had a good chat and have (I heard) worked through a lot of the problems, but that is what we got out of prior communications. And again, that might just be bad communication, thus the personal chat Adam and him had, and that he and I will have. But don’t let any of this keep you from speaking up about your own personal issues with monday nights. The point is to have fun, and if you are not, we need to fix that. So please, don’t be afraid to come forward with stuff. All that Adam will ask as DM, or that I would ask when I was DM, is that problems, and even criticisms, are done in a respectful manner, and I can’t see you being anything but.

  2. Reply


    June 1, 2010

    Thanks Zach, yeah it’s not that I’m not enjoying myself, all it is is that the pace of D&D is getting to me a bit. I mean that’s just how D&D is, there’s nothing anyone could do to fix that! But I love hanging out on Monday nights. Maybe someday we could have a movie night and watch one of Jeff’s thousand movies, or Jason mentioned wanting to go see Prince of Persia, that could be cool!

    I’m glad Jay and Adam make the effort to talk it out. The whole situation was pretty tense so I hope that’s behind us now. I tend to internalize conflict and don’t deal with it very well. Sad as it is, I did lose sleep and weight seeing our buddies get hurt over a game. Hopefully we can all be a happy group again one day 🙂

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Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.