Admiration From Afar

October 18, 2004

Last night Jen and Alex came over to hang out and it was fun. Jen’s writing a story about Atlantis. Also, while Alex and I were playing DDR, she made me a new desktop for my computer… it was… nice. Yes. Nice. And then for some reason she went on a crazy crossword-puzzle-killing rampage and destroyed two of my crossword pages! Well Alex and I were pretty scared of her. I taped one of them back together and hid it so Jen could not rip it to pieces again! When Alex left we played Speed. (Which I lost because I am slow!!!)

Today the roads were all icy and stuff, so my mom in her chronic fear of winter driving would have made me take the bus if not for one of my friends’ Jen-erosity (hah!) which I am eternally grateful for! Yeah, riding the train this morning with Jen and Aman and Kristine was super fun! Also, I saw the guy again… the one that commented on Wizard’s First Rule… my soulmate. Which… I don’t know. I was under the impression I’d never see him again. And somehow, saying something like, “I saw my soulmate, knew it was him, and never saw him again” is so0o much more cool and romantic than, “I see my soulmate occasionally on the train but I’m a shy dumbass and refuse to start a conversation with him since I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t recognize me.” You know?

In the words of Nick, “sigh”.




Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.