
Your Eyes Have Now Opened

August 14, 2009
To a world where madness craves.

Friday! Only two more days of work until I go to Alaska. I’m starting to get pretty excited even though I don’t really know what to expect from it. At this point though, the thought of hanging out with family, sitting on a huge boat and not going to work for a whole week is very attractive! Everything in addition to that will just be a bonus.

Janet’s been on holidays for two and a half weeks now and I’m glad she’ll be back on Monday. Taking over all the out-going shipping has been okay I guess, but I’m ready for it not to be my job anymore. 

Last night was daycamp family night and I went to volunteer in the kitchen. There were four of us in there so I don’t feel like I helped very much! I’m pretty sure there were less people than last year because last year was just chaotic! But yesterday was fine, we didn’t run out of anything. Watching the kids in the sanctuary was so great though— Paige was hilarious! Oh man I love that kid!

Kristen and Rob came over afterwards (Josh was playing D2 with Alex). Rob watched the game with the twins while Kristen and I went downstairs and just talked for hours, it was so great. One of those (pretty rare) conversations that I feel like I’m so invested in that I actually start shaking. It’s a really strange feeling, truth be told. But I love those conversations that actually matter. After that, suddenly, some things that confused me (emotionally, regarding one friend in particular) in high school made perfect sense. Among other things. Good conversation. So good.




Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.