
When I Sparkle Within

July 9, 2009
The mists that cloud me, be sure that I am lost in you.
     Lost without a trace…

Busy. I have been so busy! It’s bad. I probably need some wind-down time.

I guess it’s the weekly things that make me feel a bit overbooked, but I love them. D&D has been going well… we almost died last time but did manage to scrape through. Khali’s making some headway in her search for her lost brother and I think we’re almost level three. I do wonder sometimes how much storyline Zach has planned out. Not so much length, but depth. Is there a reason Luka left? Or did someone take him?

Back in the real world, driving lessons (or maybe “practice” is more apt) with Josh are coming along too. I’m running less stop signs at least! It’s a little depressing that nearly a year has gone by since taking Driver’s Ed. Where the heck has this last year gone? It’s like that baker guy says in Harvest Moon… “Time sped up after I turned 20.” How very true that’s been for me.

Frisbee and archery are also great. At the end of June, the whole family came to archery with Zach and me. It was sweet! Next time we’re bringing balloons to put on the targets. It makes them much more fun to hit.

For the last three weeks I’ve been taking guitar lessons at the Lake Bonavista Promenade (at Studio 9) and they’ve been interesting. I got four free lessons from Angie when they moved to Queensland. The first two were good, but it seemed like I was at a place that only hours of practice could make me better. But I had a different teacher last night and he’s got me doing some new stuff, so that’s cool!

I say life’s busy, but the first two days of this week sure weren’t. At 2am on Monday I woke up so dizzy that I sat up, swaying strongly enough that my bed was shaking. It really was like I was possessed. I was so sick all day Monday that I thought I was dying. But by the end of Tuesday I was feeling okay. Even today I’m still just a bit dizzy but as long as I’m not bed ridden, I guess it’s not so bad.

As long as I’m fine by Saturday because then, if the weather’s good, I’m going to the Stampede with Josh!




Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.