Grade 12

Kim’s Birthday

August 2, 2004

Today is my last day off of work, and I don’t know but I think that makes me pretty sad! But these ten days off have been super fun and action packed!

On Saturday I went to Jen’s house and we made Kim’s birthday cake. It was… well.. an interesting experience! I have to say, she is actually very good at baking (unlike me!) but she gets crazy ideas like bubble tape and skittles and kool-aid! What scares me the most is that the next birthday is… mine. And Kim may not have the power to say no to Jen and her bubble tape. Yikes!

When we were done making the cake we played Trivial Pursuit with Jen’s cousin, and then we met Kim and Alex and Kristine and Sarah and Steph at Moxie’s for dinner. We finished with lots of time before the movie but unfortunately DDR was out of order. Eventually the movie (The Village) started and I was pleased to experience that Jen grabbed my arm without using her nails (for the most part…) during the tense scenes. Overall though it really was not scary, and I thought the plot lacked in comparison to M. Night Shymalan’s other films. Still, it was a great night.

The next day Jen and I kidnapped Kim, blindfolded her with my coat and we took her to destinations including Red Lobster, Laser Quest, Blockbuster and my house where we ate cake and definitely did not watch the Sailor Moon movie! I think Kim was a bit afraid of the cake but can we really blame her? It was left at my house so I probably made myself a bit sick finishing it. Perhaps that is why I have a pain in my stomach today? It only hurts when I breathe! I should write a song about it… oh, wait.

Fourteen more days of work at ATCO ‘evar’!




Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.