
My Cell Phone

November 22, 2005

I’ve been pretty busy but mostly with stuff that’s not very exciting. Work’s going pretty well and I’m finally starting to get the hang of things.

I finally gave in and bought a cell phone! I like it, but I don’t use it very much yet. I’m sure a month from now I’ll be at a loss to remember how I ever got along without one. I went shopping with Kim shortly after to buy an adorable Hamtaro charm for it! I also bought a sweet sweater that day. I think it’s one of my favourite tops right now because it’s so nice.

I went for lunch with Matt last Thursday and it was great! We went to the ever-classy McDonald’s. See, most people just don’t recognize just how wonderful it is. Well, I do. Good times, we had, thinking of mathematical functions which, when graphed, represent our fun at the zoo. (The parabola is the highest around mid-August. Those were gooood times.)

And, Harry Potter on opening night! Met Kim at the train station right after work (5pm) and we ran to the theatre and bought tickets for the 10:30pm show! So it was quite a wait, but we had the whole of Eau Claire to look at, and dance lessons to watch. Everyone joined us later on and it was just a grand old time. And the movie was awesome!

We went to Brewster’s after church but it was just Mike, Alexis and me. It’s so quiet without all those boys around, you know?


November 25, 2005



Hey guys. I'm just some girl who enjoys life and thinks a lot. I'm a full-time wife & mom who loves gardens, coffee dates and cats, particularly my cat.